Friday morning, I was getting Ayla ready to go to school. I had gone in the kitchen to get a little coffee while we waited for the car to warm up. Suddenly, I heard crying.
Bryan had been sitting at the computer desk in the living room. Zach had just finished eating and was going from the dining room to the living room. He tripped over the back of the desk chair and hit the coffee table. Bryan carried him into the kitchen. One arm was holding Zach and the other hand was over his face. When Bryan moved his hand, it was covered in
blood. Zach split his cheek open right below his eye.
We got the bleeding to slow. We got all our things together and drove to town. We dropped Ayla at school on the way to the hospital. We were admitted pretty quickly, but because of some construction, we had to wait quite a while. They did an x-ray, and an exam. The doctor gave him 2 stiches to close the cut. The doctor and the nurse said Zach was a trooper. Even though he was crying and upset, they said he was one of the best behaved kids they had seen.
He had a follow up with his pediatrician on Monday morning. When the nurse saw him she gasped and asked what had happened. When I told her, she said it was a wonder that nothing was broken or that he hadn't passed out. Then the doctor came in. She checked his face, his eyes, his ears, and his heartbeat and breathing. She asked about what happened. She looked right at me and told me it was a miracle that he didn't damage his eye or nose, that he hadn't broken anything, and that it was healing so well already. A miracle.
He has been walking around showing everyone his cut and his black eye. He sometimes comes up and says that his cheek hurts, but then he will run off and play. It is already healing very well. He should be back to new in no time.
I am so glad that I serve a miracle working God!