Party Planning.
For the last year, I have been getting the young women from my church together every few months. We meet at my house for food, games, and some good fellowship. It is such a great opportunity for us to bond and have some good fun. Each time we meet, I plan a theme. The food, the games, our clothes... they all match a theme.
Our first party was a SNOW party. I dressed up as an ice princess. I made appetizers and a snowflake cake. We played snow themed games and I had fake snow all over my living room.
Then we had a LUAU. We all dressed in Hawaiian clothes and ate luau food. We played pass the coconut and luau charades.
Our last party was 'Around the World'. We each picked a different country and brought food from there. Some of us dressed up also. We played games to collect 'stamps' for our passports.
Now it's time for me to plan our next party. Guess what the theme is going to be?...?...?

Yeehaw, pardners! Yep, the next party is going to have a western theme. We are all going to have to dress western. The menu is traditional chuck wagon and prairie settler foods. The decor is going to include some good ole fashioned western items... And the games. I love cooking and decorating and dressing up, but coming up with games to play is my favorite part of these parties.
If budget and planning time allows, we are going to have a blast. Pannin fer gold, rustlin cattle, and roping broncos...
I also have nicknames for all the girls... Mine is Jessie James... so each girl will get a sherrifs badge with her western nickname on it.
And what party would be complete without goody bags. I always make sure the girls have something to take home. This time they'll get their name badge, jerky, a bag of gold, and some other creative western treats...
I can't wait... Once I have finished up the invitations I'll try and add them to the blog so you can see...
And if you ever need someone to plan a party for you, feel free to drop me an email!
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