Several other family members and friends of mine have had losses in the last few weeks. An aunt lost her father. An uncle lost two family members. An aunt was diagnosed with cancer. Several people have lost jobs. They all cross my mind and I wish I could do more to help, but I can't. So instead, I pray.
At the same time that death and loss seem to be so near, there is also life. Many friends of mine (at least 14) are expecting additions to their families. One is welcoming her little one today, a few others are due any day, and some just found out. I think of when my two were small. I remember all the little joys and blessings that those tiny bundles bring with them. I look at my two and see how much they have grown and I am amazed.
I have also been thinking of the house we just moved into. I've been trying to get things moved in, but it is taking a while... My business is picking up and doing well. With that comes more work, and some concern about what direction to take... There are several other personal issues that have been weighing on my mind, in addition to thinking of my friends and family...
So this morning, as I got ready and took Ayla to school, my mind was full. I admit I was a little heavy hearted about all of the things on my mind. When I got home, my husband was getting ready for work. As we talked, we both were a little short with one another and I realized something.
As much as I had things on my mind, I know he has things on his. A very difficult issue has come up in his family, and he is hoping for a promotion at work, plus he has been having some health issues, and he has the concern of providing for me and the kids. As often as I worry about the house, or the bills, or the kids, I know he is worried too. He works very hard to provide, and sometimes it seems as though no matter how hard he tries it isn't enough... I know inside, that I always know he is worried about things. I was just so caught up in my own thoughts today, that once I remembered this... well, to be honest... I felt a little ashamed.
My husband goes above and beyond. He does little things (like getting up at 6 am to move the garbage can, or taking a PTO day to take care of the kids because I was sick, or all the things he did for my birthday this year). Of all the people that should be in my thoughts and prayers, he should be at the top of the list. Most the time he is, but today he wasn't... for some reason I just needed to share this. I know we all have times when the world sits so heavy on our shoulders that we can't seem to remember that there are other people out there...
There is a country song that comes to mind... Sawyer Brown sings a song titled 'They Don't Understand'. The chorus goes like this...
(They don't understand)
Everybody's busy with their own situation
Everybody's lost in their own little world
Bottled up, hurry it up trying to make a dream come true
(They don't understand)
Everybody's living like there ain't no tomorrow
Maybe we should stop and take a little time
Cause you never really know what your neighbor's going through
(They don't understand)
Every time I hear this song, it makes me cry. I just felt as though I should share my morning thoughts... For all of you who take the time to read this, I ask you to do something.
Take a minute, right now, and think. I am sure you have issues in your life. I know you probably have a lot on your minds. I'm sure you have needs... but for just a minute, think of someone you know who could use a special gift today. Maybe they have had a loss, or just received a blessing, or maybe they hold a special place in your life... Pray for them. Just lift them up before God. Thank Him for placing that person in your life. Acknowledge something special about that person and ask God to bless that person, just for being a part of your life. If you want, do something special for that person, go ahead. But most important - just remember them in prayer...
Thanks again for listening to me... May God bless each of you!
Really was touched by all you wrote. This is so very true. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you. It is good to know that what I'm writing can touch people.