For the last few months she had been in and out of the hospital battling lung cancer, emphysema, and diabetes... She had been in pain and for the last month was confined to a hospital bed. Her heart longed to be with her husband, my grandfather Kern, who we lost a few years ago...
Now, I know she is pain free. I know she is up walking around. And most of all, I know she is with my Grandfather once again. I find comfort in the fact that I will see both of them someday. I can smile and cry tears of joy over the memories I have of the two of them. I can look at family pictures, show them to my children, and tell them about their wonderful great-grandparents.
One day, I will see them again... Just as they are in these photos... and that thought means the world to me...
Grandpa: I still miss you, after all this time. I can see you out in the chicken house, working in your workshop... I see salt water taffy, and think of you...I can hear you joke around singing songs and trying to teach us your special German words like 'fartfenugen'... I can hear you jingle bells out on the porch of the farmhouse, pretending to be Santa for us as kids... I remember picking raspberries from your garden... I remember the last time I saw you, in Yuma when I moved to Georgia and we stopped to visit you... You were a wonderful man. The one real example I had growing up. I love you and I look forward to hugging you again someday...
Grandma: I know how much the last few months have hurt you. I know how much you longed to be with the man you loved for over fifty years... I can remember sitting in your living room, watching you do crosswords... I am reminded of you every time I see smoked salmon... I can remember playing dominoes with the family around your kitchen table... I remember you taking Ayla into your bedroom at 5am that morning in Yuma, just so Bryan and I could sleep a little more... I love you, I miss you...

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