I know I haven't posted since Ayla's party last month, but I'll tell you all about what I've been up to soon. I am decorating for a 'coming home party' (Details coming soon...). I am also working on Zach's 3rd birthday. He picked an Army Man theme. It is coming along great! I'll be posting on it soon also...
A few reasons I have been slacking about posting...
I have been busy making party decorations. I have also been having some health issues (Will tell you about this later also...). Of course, I still have online classes, two kids, a hubby, and a house to take care of... I have also been prayerful for my mother and her family.
My Mom's Mom (Grandma MaryLou, to me), has been very sick for the past few months. In June, we found out she has advanced (terminal) lung cancer in addition to several other health problems. After a lot of procedures and worry, Grandma has settled into hospice. It won't be much longer before she gets to see my Grandpa again... I know I will see them both someday, but it is very difficult for my Mom. I would appreciate your prayers for her and the rest of the family.
Also, for those of you who know Sister Doris Garrison... She is a wonderful woman who is like a Grandma to my hubby (And to me now!). She teaches the Sunday school class for young children at our church. It is the same class that I teach, I sub for her when she is out. She was out for the past two months due to surgery. She came back to class on Father's Day. Then last week, while she was at work on Monday, she was hospitalized again. She had a heart attack. They did a stent and got it taken care of. She will be out for a few more weeks. Please keep her in your prayers as well! We love her so much and we will be glad when she is able to come back and stay with us again.
Anyhow... I guess that is enough for now... I know I have a lot more to share, but it will have to wait. Thank you for your prayers! We appreciate it! :)
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